The great thing about "friend-raising" is anyone and everyone can participate. It is not only about raising funds - it is about raising awareness and being an ambassador of EDOYR! By participating in friend-raising you could help us lessen the stigma associated with eating disorders. It could be as simple as creating a positive environment at school by discouraging conversations that focus around negative body image. Individuals and groups could organize events to help support EDOYR - yard sales, open mics, karaoke nights, book sales, or even a pet parade! Friend-raising gives volunteers a chance to use their own creative genius! Contact us with your ideas and initiatives at! If you would like to become an ambassador for EDOYR or plan an event - take pictures and we will be delighted to post them on our website and Facebook page!
Hope is part of our vision, it is a vital component of the healing process. Our hope is to have an intervention-assessment center. This, in turn, will give hope to thousands who are affected by eating disorders.
Please keep us in your good thoughts!
Eating Disorders of York Region provides free support programs for the community and has been doing so for seven years. We are not a government agency. We rely on your support to serve the needs of the community.
We appreciate your support! Every dollar makes a difference!“Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark.” - George Iles