We at Eating Disorders of York Region never stop thinking about ways to help and inspire hope. Here is a look at past accomplishments and events:
These pictures were taken at the Eating Disorders Awareness Week this past February, when EDOYR hosted our own "Help and Hope" event. The free informational session was presented by EDOYR facilitator and Psychotherapist Jane Alway (left) and Psychologist, Dr. Tiffany Rush-Wilson (right). Janice Morgante, the Executive Director of EDOYR, is pictured in the middle. The presentation took place at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts for anyone interested in the subject of Eating Disorders.

EDOYR receives $5,000! Presenting the cheque are students Taylor McDowall, Colin Davies, and Alec Steirman from Newmarket Pickering College. Through the Toskan Casale Foundation’s Youth & Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) students are given the opportunity to learn more about the work and accomplishments of a charity of their choice. Each year, the Initiative makes it possible for students to present their research findings to their classmates and win a $5,000.00 cheque for the charity of their choice by creating the best presentation in their school year. A big thank you to Taylor, Colin and Alex for their hard work and creativity through which they were able to present EDOYR with a $5,000.00 cheque to help us continue to support the community. THANK YOU!
Here is EDOYR's own Sea of Hope! With, then co-op students, Natalia (now admin assistant), Elyiecia, and Janice! Preparing gift guest bags for the annual fund raising event.
EDOYR relies on your help to keep providing help and hope! Help us out with a fun friend-raising event! Ask us how at info@edoyr.com or call 905-886-6632.